I will give a talk titled “Critical Network Mapping” on August 19th at “A Free Image. A Free Word. A Free Gesture: A Seminar on Speech”, Fritt Ord Foundation (Free Word Foundation) in Oslo.
Monday, 19 August 2013
Fritt Ord Foundation
Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo
Organized by Henie Onstad Kunstsenter in collaboration with Fritt Ord Foundation.
Free admission. Registration: seminaronspeech@fritt-ord.no
In the aftermath of Anders Behring Breivik’s attacks 22 July in Norway, the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek coined 2011 the year of dreaming dangerously. It is no longer a dream. In several countries freedom of speech is restricted through different means of control, and right wing extremism is on the rise once again. This seminar investigates freedom of speech as an image, as a gesture and as a term through three lectures, while five status reports given by artists, writers and curators from different regions of Europe will look at how this fundamental right is being altered, redefined, used and misused and fought for.
Critical Network Mapping
Arikan will take us through his works, starting from MyPocket (2008) while raising questions on the exploitation of immaterial value; discussing Network Map of Foundations and Corporations in Turkey (2010) in relation to the problem of power and governance during the Gezi Protests; narrating the network maps collectively created on the Graph Commons platform (2011-); finally discussing the recent collective research and mapping project on neoliberalism in Turkey, Networks of Dispossession, a cartography of government-corporate partnerships in urban transformation.