Network Mapping and Analysis Workshop
March 23rd from 11AM – 3PM
Learning Place, Former West
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
One day workshop focusing on the design and understanding of complex networks through mapping and visual analysis. Starting from hand drawn simple graph diagrams, participants gradually build complex network models. Emphasis on network mapping, modeling, analysis, relational thinking, centrality, clustering analysis, and information design. Participants learn the most through observing and extracting networks from their area of interests, collaborative mapping, sketching, and discussing diagrams.
This workshop will be held in relation to the ideas discussed in Mapping Relations Of Funding And Knowledge talk by Füsun Türetken and Burak Arıkan.
Graph Commons is used the workshops for visualization, group collaboration, and further sharing. Participants are required to bring laptop for Graph Commons mapping exercises.
View more on the workshop archive