I will give a talk and do a workshop in a one day event titled “Creative Use of Complex Networks” on November 3rd at Bilkent Cyberpark in Ankara, organized by TTGV (Technology Development Foundation of Turkey) IdeaPort.
Creative Use of Complex Networks
Dr. Fikret Yücel Konferans Salonu,
Bilkent Cyberpark, B Blok 1.Kat – Bilkent
Monday, 3 November 2013
10:00 – 12:00 Talk
14:00 – 17:00 Workshop
Contact: info@ttgv.org.tr
Eventbrite Page
In the talk, I will walk through my recent work and make an introduction to network mapping and analysis, discussing why it is relevant now, and how to approach it in your own work for innovation.
Network Mapping Workshop
Half day workshop focusing on the design and understanding of complex networks through mapping and visual analysis in order to expand the individual’s thinking about the network as a creative medium. Starting from hand drawn simple graph diagrams, participants gradually build complex network models. Emphasis on network mapping, modeling, relational thinking, protocol authoring, centrality analysis, clustering analysis, and information design. Participants learn the most through observing and extracting networks from their area of interests, collaborative mapping, sketching, and discussing diagrams.
Graph Commons is used at the workshops for visualization, group collaboration, and further sharing.
Network Mapping Workshops Archive